10 Modules each with multiple coaching videos to guide you through the coaching program.

Weekly group coaching calls for advanced training and to answer any questions or concerns.

Join our private Facebook group which has our team in there during the working week helping you with questions. You’ll also join other business owners making it happen around the globe.

16 weeks of access to coaches who will guide you through streamlining your business and revitalising your energy.


$3000 AUD

Pay up front and receive a $500 discount over the weekly payments.



Pay in installments over 16 weeks as you work through the program.

Work 10 Less Hours In 10 Weeks Time

Here are all the deet’s on our program called Work 10 Less Hours. Its focus is simple, get you to work 10 less hours consistently, like clockwork, every week so you can help more people and grow your impact in your community.
I’m aiming to get you at least an extra 10 hours a week consistently, so we’ll give you everything we need to make that happen, and nothing you don’t.

No ads. No funnels. And very little tech. The only tool you’ll need is your phone.

We’re going to solve the 3 biggest problems stopping business owners from working too much: Ineffective Planning, Low Energy, and Sales & Marketing Uncertainty.

First, let’s get your business planned out effectively. You’re either unsure if the program will really work for your business, or worried that if it goes well, you’ll be bogged down in jobs you don’t like.

We’ll start with Saying No more often.

You gotta stop taking on every client at every hour of the day. And you gotta stop saying yes to all the personal and social commitments thrown at you. You must be clear on WHAT YOU WANT and WHAT YOU DON’T WANT, and stick to it!

Next, we’ll look at building your ideal schedule to suit your lifestyle first, then your business. You should plan every detail, as well as time for the unexpected, so you know when you are available and when you are not. You want to plan your life how you want it, then fill your work around it.

Finally, we’ll help you set up your procedures for all the jobs in your business, so you know how much there is to do. Then we help you find people to do the jobs you don’t like or don’t want, so you aren’t working so hard on things you hate.

The result? You’ll be 100% clear on spending time on things you want and not doing the things you don’t want to do, when you work and when you have downtime, and you’ll have a specialized team to help you complete the low value jobs or stuff you don’t want to do.

The second problem we’ll solve together is Low Energy.

As a business owner, you feel like you need to push so you have a little breathing room in your business. Well, you already made it there, so contracts on that.

Your next step is to start to recharge your batteries.

First, we start with improving your sleep quality and duration if you’ve been cutting that short. We help you plan your bed time and wake up time, then take you through a bunch of sleep hacks so you feel relaxed and recharged in the morning.

Second, we work on upgrading your nutrition, so you have an increase in energy and don’t feel weighed down by junk food. No, I won’t be making you eat chicken breasts and broccoli the rest of your life. We’re just introducing some time efficiency solutions to eat a little healthier.
Now that you are sleeping better and fueling up your body better, we can focus on dialing down your stress levels.

Most people I know are close to running on empty, physically, and mentally.

We want to help you move past this to a place of mental clarity and relaxation. Everything you’ve already done up to this point is designed to reduce the hours you work and the stress in your life.

Now we get to bring back more of the fun and relaxing activities you used to do.
Often, we forget how to enjoy the activities we love, due to the nasty stress response.

This is a common symptom of depression.
I’m not saying you’re depressed but showing you how it works.

Stress, anxiety, depression, frustration, overwhelm and loneliness are all major issues in the fast-paced society we live in.

We’ll help you work through these things or even eliminate them from your life, through your newly planned lifestyle and improved physical and mental state.

Now we’ve not even touched on making money yet. This is a business program after all.

So let's talk about moving your sales & marketing from Uncertain to Effortless.

One of the key pieces to business success is to get the most out of each client.

Would you like fries with that?

We want to maximise every interaction and squeeze every cent out of the client, so we can deliver the best possible service to them.
If you don’t do this, you leave money on the table and you risk not delivering the full value that you could to that client.

If you don’t know exactly what they want and don’t want, you can’t provide all the value.

Then we will work on your sales process.

We help you set up your own sales process, so that you deliver the same sales presentation each time for repeatable results.

This takes the effort from having to remember to say all the right things, to following a pre-set system that acts like a money-making machine.

Finally, we help you update your marketing message.

When you started, you probably took on any client.
Now that you are established, it’s time to refine your marketing to attract the clients and/or jobs you really want.

This is where you get to choose who you want to work with and who you don’t want to work with.
To do that, you need to be able to define who that is and how you will tell them that you are the person to help them.

This is the system we use to take business owners like you from highly stressed, low energy and unfulfilled, to working 10 less hours a week or more AND getting your life back.

Hopefully, this plan sounds good, but I want to be super upfront. Our goal for getting you to Work 10 Less Hours each week is both generous and selfish.

The generous is, frankly, if you're working all the hours and nearing burnout or a chronic illness, working 10 less hours each week is life changing.

Everything is possible when you've got a bit of extra time up your sleeve.
So, that's generous, we want to help you get to your next level.

The selfish part for us is our next level mastermind we call REINVENT, which is designed to help people find more joy and fulfilment in their lives, through optimising their business and personal lives.

We help you find more time, more money, more energy, more fun, confidence, motivation, peace & happiness as well as faith & hope. It is truly a reinvention of who you are into who you want to be. If you don’t know who you want to be, we’ll help you define that too.

Rather than just hunt for the people who are desperate for a solution, we want to help you streamline your business and get your life back, so you want more of the excitement of a life you love and are keen to work with us to get you to the next level as well.

We want to be super transparent. This is our goal for you. If you're cool with this, or interested in this, read on and let’s talk about how we are going to work together.

Each week for the next 10 weeks, we’ll focus on one of the parts of our business-building strategies. As you’ve seen, there are 9 main pieces, but I’ve added a bonus one on finding and keeping staff that I think is absolutely necessary and essential to get right.
Then, we’ll get together weekly as a group to talk about it and brainstorm a specific application to your you can put it into action and report on your results.

We have a private Facebook group which has our team in there during the working week helping you with questions. You’ll also join other business owners making it happen around the globe. Around here, we truly believe you’ll go further in a group than you will alone.

We’re going to be working closely together, so I’d like you to be sure you will MAKE 2-3 hours a week to dedicate to this over the next few months. I guarantee you will make that time back by doing the activities.

I know that getting it done in 10 weeks may be a stretch, so I’m extending your access to the coaching program to 16 weeks in case you go on holidays, get sick or need extra time to implement everything.

You can get started with Work 10 Less Hours for $219 a week.

The total cost is $3000 AUD upfront (or 16 weekly payments of $219)...but for right now, I just need to know if you can join us and I’ll get you all the details

I’d love to work with you!

Just hit the button below and join us and we’ll take it from there.

Talk soon!


P.S. I sort of mentioned this earlier, but we need to make sure you are going to put in the work to achieve this time freedom. There is no point spending the money to join us, only to NOT SAY NO to any distractions and work on your business rather than in your business.

Sure, I love earning money, but it’s nothing without being able to make the change in your life. It’s what I live for as a coach. It’s all I know. And I know this work if you commit to putting the time in, so please make the decision to put yourself first and I promise your life will change dramatically. You won’t need any fancy software, just the desire to change. You don't need anything else.

P.P.S. Any time you invest time and money to work with a coach, there’s a risk. Right? What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as they said? What if Trav’s a balding liar?

So let’s look at the best and worst case scenarios:

Best Case: Over the next 16 weeks, you design your ideal business and lifestyle. You get some time back. You get your life back. You get other people doing jobs you don’t like or want to do. You make more sales at higher values. You sleep better. You lose some weight. Your stress levels drop and you start to feel yourself again. You get new skills, a ton of confidence, and the systems we install mean you can keep growing every month.

That’s the best case.
But what about the worst case?

Worst Case: Maybe it doesn’t work. Maybe you’re a few weeks in, and you decide it’s not for you. Or the content isn’t quite right, or maybe you jumped too soon, or you decide our Australian accent gets annoying...

In which case, anytime in the first 30 days just let me know, and I’ll refund you 100% of what you’ve paid. No questions asked.
You get to keep all the materials we’ve covered. And all of the bonuses. You’ll be smarter, and still have the skill sets... But you won’t have to pay for it at all.

So that way there’s no risk to give it a go and get started, is there?

By the end of 2023 I will have spent $200,000+ buying my health back. On top of that is the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, I was not able to earn in my business because my health was taken away. I live with that every day and I don’t want that for you.

The risk is not taking action now and being stuck in the same position next year.

The risk is not taking action and facing burn out or heart attack or relationship breakdown.

I think it's all upside.

So, where do you think we should go from here?

If you’d like to work together, but are unsure, message me back and we'll discuss any queries via text or phone if you'd prefer.

I look forward to seeing you inside the group!



$3000 AUD

Pay up front and receive a $500 discount over the weekly payments.



Pay in installments over 16 weeks as you work through the program.

Keep It Simple Solutions WA

ABN 21743189672

6C Oyster Court Craigie WA 6025 Australia


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